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Pre & postnatal Massage Appointments now open on Saturdays

One Tribe offers interactive CPR classes to help you create a safe environment for your baby, and develop life-saving skills in case of an emergency. The class will teach you the signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest in infants, how to position a baby for CPR, the appropriate rescue breathing, chest compression technique, and breaths-to-compressions ratio for infants. This class follows the American Heart Association’s Infant CPR guidelines. (CPR certification is available upon request).

Pediatric CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is an emergency procedure performed to restore blood circulation and breathing in children from birth to puberty. It is used when a child’s heart has stopped beating or is not effectively pumping blood due to cardiac arrest or other life-threatening conditions. Foreign Body Obstruction, also known as choking, occurs when a child’s airway is partially or completely blocked by a foreign object, preventing them from breathing properly. This can be a life-threatening situation that requires immediate action. The specific techniques may vary based on the guidelines provided by the American Heart Association (AHA) or other recognized resuscitation authorities. It’s important to receive proper CPR and first aid training from certified instructors to ensure you have the most up-to-date knowledge and skills to respond to pediatric emergencies effectively.

This monthly workshop is held on Thursdays.